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My name is Ali Davey.  I am 36 years old, married with 2 children.  I am a radiographer from Adelaide, South Australia.  My eldest child, 3 year old Isla, has heritable bilateral retinoblastoma.  I have created this blog for other parents (particularly with a new diagnosis), survivors, friends, family and anyone who wants to know more about retinoblastoma from a person who has experienced it first hand.  When my daughter was diagnosed I did a lot of googling and was given plenty of information from the hospital, which was a fantastic resource, but it was all very 'medical'.  There was not a lot of information about what to expect and the journey ahead.  So hopefully you find my story interesting and useful, particularly if your child has recently been diagnosed with retinoblastoma.  


The information in this blog started as a group text message to family and friends informing them of Isla's diagnosis.  As her treatment progressed, my updates turned into larger and more detailed documents of our journey.  I am not a doctor.  I am not recommending one type of treatment over another.  I don't know everything, and there could be incorrect details in my blog.  This is a progressive story and our understanding of what we were going through at the time.  We definitely learnt more about the disease as time went on.  Please take this blog for what it is, which is a journal of OUR experience as we were going through it.


Thank you for reading.


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© Alison Davey 2021

15 May 2021

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