On Thursday the 3rd of October Isla had a vision test at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital eye clinic. Sandra (from Melbourne) had given us some pictures (kay pictures) to work with to teach Isla to recognise the images and say the words in preparation for her vision tests, so we had been working on those prior to the appointment.
The girl who saw us at the WCH was lovely and she attempted to get a vision assessment on Isla, but it was pretty clear that she thought it was a bit of a stretch achieving that on a 21 month old. It did go to show just how amazing Sandra is, when she has probably been more successful in assessing Isla’s vision when she is fasting and grumpy in Melbourne than just on a regular day at the eye clinic. The Adelaide orthoptist asked who we see in Melbourne and when I told her it was Sandra and described her, she said ‘I thought that might be who it was’ – she had a placement with Sandra while she was studying and when she got Isla’s referral, she thought ‘who would think this is possible on a 21 month old, and thought if anyone would be able to achieve that it would be Sandra!’
Another vision assessment was scheduled for December and we will try again when Isla is a little older.
© Alison Davey 2021